Automatically Resolve
Postal and Zip Codes in Zoho

Simply enter the US zip code or Canadian postal code into any field in Zoho CRM and automatically populate City, State/Province, Country and more.

Less Typing,
More Accuracy

Enter your addresses into Zoho with just a street and zip/postal code and let the system do the rest.


You can control how the look up works and where it should work and what fields get which values.

Address Consistency

Keep addresses uniform by forcing the state/provice and country to be spelled out or use short codes (i.e., CA vs Canada).

Works Out of the Box

Ready to use when you install it on Contacts mailing/other, Accounts billing/shipping and Lead addresses.

Any Record, Any Field

Simple to add zip/postal lookups on any record you want and send the data to any field you want.

More Than A Shortcut

Use other information such as the time zone of the address or automatically set the currency code for the country.

Every Zip/Postal Code

Address Auto Resolver can match any of over 800,000 zip and postal codes in North America.  International coming soon!

Calculate Distances
to Anywhere

Simply add some destinations to the lookup and get distances from those destinations to the resolved zip or postal code.

Geographical Lead

Find out who to assign a new lead to based on the distance from a given address and a geographical location.

Show The Nearest

Send all of your office addresses with the look up and get the distance to each office, closest to furthest, to direct the lead to the correct office.

Create Campaigns
Based on Distance

Target customers and leads for your Zoho Campaigns according to the distance between them and any given address.

Make your Zobot

Use lookups to let a site visitor provide their zip or postal code and provide information specific to their distance to nearest offices or city centers.

Check Out How You Can
Customize Lookups

Out Of The Box

Default lookup configuration when you install Address Auto Resolver.

Only When A Field Value Exists

Only perform the lookup when any particular field on a record has a value.

Only When A Field Is Empty

Peform a lookup only when a particular field record is not populated.

Look Up In Zoho Flow

Perform lookups on webhooks or triggers within your Zoho Flow.

Calculate Distance To Offices

Use account and contact records to get distances to your offices.

Utilize Currency and Timezones

Look up an address and set your record to indicate the timezone and currency.

Simple and Affordable Pricing

As always, we make sure small business always has a free option to use our extensions without charge.

Basic Lookup



  • 50 Lookups Per Month
    For free, forever.  Just install and enjoy!

Basic + Distance


per month

  • 100 Lookups Per Month
    For basic zip/postal resolution
  • 3 Distances Per Lookup
    Get the distance for up to 3 other locations
  • Add More Lookups
    For just $5.00 per month per 50
  • Add More Distances
    For just $3.00 per month per 5

The number of lookups is only counted when you actually resolve a zip/postal code, not for any time you add an address to Zoho.  You have full control over how and when you perform lookups.

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